Free Kamen Rider Wiki
"Gashakai-X Driver!"
―Activation announcement
"Henkei Mode!"
―Pre-transformation announcement
"Dual, Gashat!"
―Insertion announcement
"The Beast is Here! What is your mission! (heavy metal music with Drago Hunter Tamer standby)"
―Drago Hunter Tamer X Looping standby announcement
"Dual, Level-Up! The Strongest Beast, (Daisaikyo!) Genocide Your Fist, (Daisaikyo!) Beast's Awakening, (Mezame!) Dra-Drago Hunter Tamer X~!!"
―Transformation announcement

Gashakai-X Driver is the secondary transformation belt for Samuel Nakaoka the Second. This belt allows Singular Rider S-DT to transform into Level 99: Drago Hunter Tamer X.


Gashats inserted[]

With transformation was complete, this Driver can activates the Kimewaza attack which allows to depend of Gashat was used.

  • Drago Hunter Tamer - Dual, Kimewaza! Drago Hunter Tamer X!! Critical X Strike!

